fredag den 11. september 2015


Back at Vigerselvvej, I don't think there's much That I haven't drawn on this street. 
The red tower in this sketch, is the local fire station where my grandfarther was a voluntary firefighter.
I have been passing under this bridge about a million times, but it was not until a couple of weekes ago, that I realised the beauty of the different lines and shapes

mandag den 7. september 2015

Sketching Malmø on a rainy day

I did this sketch using a the Kuretake brush pen no. 13, which I really enjoy sketching with. But for urban sketching I'm not really sure I think it adds value to the sketch, infact I will most probably not use it in the future for this type of sketching. Any way this is a sketch done in Malmø on a rainy day this weekend