Many people are inspired by nature, so am I, but I'm even more inspired by the urban landscape. As Louis Kahn said: The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building"
My name is Tomas Björnsson, I'm a freelance illustrator living and working in Copenhagen, Denmark. This is my UrbanSketching blog.
Please contact me via my webpage at the link below.
If you ever go down Vester Fælledvej in Copenhagen, you should chech out this beautiful laundry. When the weather allows it, I will go back and draw it again
I went to see my parents the other week. We were going to celebrate my sister who's just become a doctor. A great weekend with the family and even though it was pretty cold, I still got the chance to draw they house
It happens that I choose a sublect to draw and when I've finished the drawing I just don't know why i found it interesting in the first place. This is one of these times, 'cause I haven't got the slightest clue why I decided to draw this. maybe it was the doorway, how knows, but it was freezing cold
I love these kind of places, they're messy, noisy and a bit suspicious. You'll find this garage right behind Enghave Station on Sdr. Boulevard - Go check it out, it's beautiful
I have always found this house very intriguing. I know that it's somekind of business or organization, I just haven't got a clue of what they're doing in there - But I know that something is going down in there
This tree belongs to my best mate Martin, That was when he lived in Walsall. By the way he's an excellent photographer, he's blog is called Rawpixels, go check him out